Welcome To The Client Referral Program

Welcome to the Client Referral Plan Program. We cant wait to show you how to generate more referrals from your clients without even needing to ask them for them. This program is a mixture of training webinars and our Referral Network FB Group, so that you can implement the plan into your business and ask questions along the way in the Facebook group.

These training will change the way you do business and the way your clients will pass you new business.

Follow the steps below...

To get the most out of this training we have 2 main resources for you to be a part of

1. Join the 'Referral Network' Facebook group so that you can ask questions and get help building your referrral & partnership strategies. 

2. If you would like some accountability then click here and pop in your details below and we will keep you accountable to complete the trainings and get the most out of your client referrals.

The first step is to watch the first training session in the client referral plan program. In this session we will give an overview of the program as well as go through the first step in implementing your client referral plan.

Time for the 2nd training on creating your client referral plan. We look at 30 Days to WOW and how to turn your clients into walking billboards. Billboards that will talk about you everywhere they go.

Watch the video below.

Time for the 3rd training session and adding personal engagement to your daily schedule. The more front of mind we are and the more engaged we are of our clients the more they will remember us and share us with their friends, family, networks.

Watch the video below.

The PEP Script Templates You Need:

How Are You Email: 

Subject Line - Hope All Is Well

Hi {Name} I hope this finds you doing well and all is great. I was just thinking of you the other day so I thought I'd reach out and say hello and see how things are going. Look forward to hearing from you. {Your Name}

How Are You Social Media Message:

Hi {Name} I hope this finds you doing well, I just saw our face pop up here and thought I'd say hello and see how everything is going. Look forward to speaking soon, {Your Name}

Phone Call Start:

Hi {name} it is {your name} from {your business} I thought I'd just give you a quick call and say hello and see how everything is going.

Hand Written Cards:

{Same as the email message]

Here is the 4th and final training session. We will turn you into hub and a place that your clients come. When you are seen as the 'hub' then you will always be remembered and spoken about. 

Watch the video to see how we can be a hub instantly.

Client Referral Script We Use:

Outcome: To re-engage with your current clients and see if they can open up any doors or opportunities for you.  

Steps: 1. Make a list of your current clients 2. Put a star against anyone that you know would be happy to help you 3. Send them the initial message script


Hi (Name) I hope this finds you doing great and all is well I was hoping you might be able to help me I love working with you and often believe that good people know good people I have a couple of spots opening up to work with some new people Would you happen to know anyone in your networks that would like to ………. (insert what you do, so I would say ‘who would like to get more referrals into their business’) or Would you be happy to send out a free resource to your networks on ……… (insert what you would do, so I would say ‘on getting more referrals into your business’) ? Have a great day Talk Soon (Your name)

We hope you have got a lot from those short trainings and can start to see that getting client referrals is not all that hard.

Here are some more resources you will find useful and if you are ready to get some help building a referral and partnership strategy then we are ready to help.